Fort Digital Future Fund


The Fort Digital Future Fund will incorporate several strategies, including directional exposure and yield bearing strategies

Thematic exposure to key blockchains which serve real world use cases. 

Hedging and directional risk strategies on Layer 1 protocols using derivatives such as futures and options, 

Investment in the tokens of key blockchains as well as application specific tokens running on those blockchains. 

Equity stakes in exchange listed digital asset businesses. 

Investment in related funds which can provide access to businesses at the “pre-token” stage. 

The Manager has implemented a strict risk management framework to govern the portfolio. The Manager has implemented guidelines around position sizing in new projects and the total allocation to illiquid investments.

(*Please note that the targeted returns may not eventuate and the investment may decline in value)


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If you would like to speak to our team in relation to any aspect of the Fort Stable Fund, please complete the attached callback form, and one of the team will arrange a call to further discuss.

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Please note the following information has been prepared for use by Wholesale and Professional Investors only. By downloading the fact sheet below, you are confirming you are an Australia Wholesale Investor as defined by section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001.


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